Renowned for his electrifying live shows, Ash Grunwald has inspired a generation to hit the road in an old van to ‘surf by day jam by night’. The festival favourite brings a high energy, vibrant live show with stacks of guitars and foot stomping blues. Part...
‘Erin Mckinney is one of Gippsland’s leading Female Acoustic Country singer/songwriters, performing for pubs and private events all throughout the area. Erin has put herself on the music map with her power house vocals and unique ability to execute some of country’s...
Great gigs and hot nights are made for each other, and that’s what Thirsty Merc’s ‘ElectricSummer’ Tour is all about! Fresh off a stack of sold out shows for the band’s ’20 Good Years’anniversary, ‘Electric Summer’ promises fans an unforgettable live music experience....
Great gigs and hot nights are made for each other, and that’s what Thirsty Merc’s ‘ElectricSummer’ Tour is all about! Fresh off a stack of sold out shows for the band’s ’20 Good Years’anniversary, ‘Electric Summer’ promises fans an unforgettable live music experience....